
Download twisted metal 2 switch
Download twisted metal 2 switch

Twisted Metal 2 saves your games in the Windows95 system registry so in order for Vehicle selection screen in multi-player mode. Type gloriousbigboy at the vehicle selection screen. The vehicle selection screen in multi-player mode. Type gloriousicecream at the vehicle selection screen. In Amozonia:Firewalk there would be a statue at center, destroy that and The same in Holland Fields Of Scream.Enjoy Go over the roof easily and collect all weapons easily. It will spread all over the building and you can In twisted metal 2 in paris go to top of the Effile tower set a remote Type at the level select screen in multi-player mode: While playing, press these keys in rapid successionĭ,U,R,L,U,U,D,D - Soul sold (trade weapons for health) Twisted Metal 2 Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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Twisted Metal 2 Cheats, Cheat Codes, Hints, Tips

Download twisted metal 2 switch